getsentinel documentation

getsentinel is a Python package for automating the downloading, processing and extraction of Sentinel data.


Minimal Example

from datetime import date
from getsentinel import gs_downloader, gs_processor, gs_stacker

roi = 'region_of_interest.shp'

start = date(2018, 1, 1)
end = date(2018, 1, 7)

# Format a query to send to the ESA SciHub
query = gs_downloader.Query('S2', start, end, roi)
# Looking for Level-1C processed with 0% cloud cover
query.product_details('L1C', cloudcoverlimit=0)

hub = gs_downloader.CopernicusHubConnection()
num_results, products = hub.submit_query(query)

# Process the products up the Level-2A
processed = gs_processor.batch_process(products)

# Extract the region of interest data for bands 2, 3, 4
stacker = gs_stacker.Stacker(processed, roi, start, end)
stacker.set_bands(s2_band_list=['B02', 'B03', 'B04'])

data_output = stacker.generate_stacks()

Indices and tables